Dev Education

Director Message

Executive Director Mr. Amitesh had advised this alignment affair as alteration lives, alteration thoughts in accompanying with apprenticeship arrangement of our country.

DEV EDUCATION is a absolutely educational for the account of the acceptance who are actively absorbed in abstruse apprenticeship for their ablaze future.

Our organisation has had a cogent appulse in the lives of abounding acceptance who admired to access their knowledge, affairs and all annular development of their personality. It gives me immense amusement to see adolescent aspirants abounding in for acceptance with hopes of abstraction their career and actuality acknowledged in every accomplish of their lives. The ambition of our alignment is to accommodate absolute and able advice for their anchored career. We conduct alone and accumulation counseling sessions to help, analyze career/life goals and additionally accommodate opportunities for convalescent accommodation authoritative skills.

I am abiding your time with us will be appropriately advantageous with the new abilities and confidence. I will accomplish abiding that our alignment will advice to amend any apprentice with the accepted issues accompanying to educational sector. I attending advanced to affable you at DEV EDUCATION.

Our ambition is to accommodate graduation akin apprenticeship or any abstruse apprenticeship to about 1Lac poor acceptance from any category and class who can not allow for their apprenticeship due to financial crisis in all over India and Nepal by 2020.


Executive Director & Internal career Counsellor